Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hello, world!

Finding time to keep a blog up-to-date is always difficult when blogging is not the only activity you are into. It has almost been a year since I last posted and my post was about the dividing line between accounting and mathematics in the accounting subject itself. I used the verb 'was' because I deleted my previous posts just now before I start working on this post. I want to start all over again so let me pretend that this is my first blog post.

So what can you expect from my blog? This may be redundant as I have answered this already in the About Me section, but it was short and I want to say more. I have this tendency to hold things in or bottle things up because I just cannot tug somebody along to help me. People seem to be uninterested and I have not met someone yet whom I am comfortable sharing with what I think, feel and believe. I used to have one, and that is my best friend way back in elementary, but we are not getting in touch with each other anymore.

Adrian is the exception, by the way. We are boyfriend-girlfriend and best friends at the same time. I can talk to him about anything, but there are still things that I say or tell less than intended to avoid appearing too much attached. Since this is a personal blog, which is really an online diary open for people to read, expect reading my day-to-day experiences, suppressed emotions and repressed memories.


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